From Where I Stand

Film making workshops and Festival screenings

From Where I Stand was a creative filmmaking project funded by the Let’s Create Jubilee Fund. We worked in partnership with Cafe Track in Northampton to support autistic adults to take part, and ran a series of creative workshops delivered by our experienced artists to enable participants to create their own films inspired by the Queen’s Jubilee celebration events.

Take part and watch the online festival here!

Audience Feedback

A truly inspiring festival.

What a wonderful project, more projects like this are needed to bring these hidden talents to public attention.

An amazing project that has given the participants confidence and courage – the reward of the videos is so worthwhile – such achievements.

Had a great time, doing this. Really proud of everyone.

Had an amazing time working on this project. Reignited my desire to act and boosted my confidence. All the films were incredible.

It’s been such a fantastic project to be part of.

Enjoyed it so much, also helped my confidence.

I was very impressed with the films, they were all so different but so good. They gave us an insight into the filmmakers’ lives, it’s amazing what you can find out in 60 seconds.

Project Funders

Project Partners

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